Caring Accent

Branding & Site Creation

At Caring Accent, we make use of our abundant experience and knowledge that has been involved in improving the patient experience in the medical field in the U.S., in collaboration with Japanese medical institutions and individual healthcare professionals. We aim to spread "care that can be received by people" and "care that medical staff can provide with confidence, reward, and pride".

Project Overview

In Japan, healthcare professionals don’t have one place to find information about consulting and training services. Patient experience resources are difficult to find in the healthcare community.


Create a platform to introduce services to the healthcare community in Japan. Provide consulting, training, coaching services for physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals with the goal of improving patient experience. Involves clinician-patient communication training and coaching.



Branding & Logo Options

The client requested that the holding hands graphics represent the type of services Caring Accent provides, such as communication consultation/training for physicians, nurses, and other staff in healthcare for the purpose of providing quality care experience for both patients and staff.

He also preferred a soft appearance because of the nature of the services provided. The soft colors such as orange and yellow represents the feel for the company. The lighter and simpler fonts and typefaces also offer the soft feeling.

Design Process

01 Empathize


  • Method: Remote, moderated one-on-one interviews

  • Participants: 5

  • Age Range: 25-35

  • All fit criteria for clinician-patient experience


  • What resources do you go to for healthcare professional training and consulting?

  • What is the most challenging part of your job?

  • On a scale from 1-10, how well are you able to communicate with your patients?

  • Describe the relationships you have with your patients.

  • How would you like to see patient experience improved?

  • How comfortable are you with clinician-patient experience?

User Interviews

By conducting interviews, I was able to collect all of the participants’ answers to better create a site map. I was able to get a better understanding of which categories or pages are the most important to highlight.

02 Define

From research and user insights, I was able to sketch out how the website should be laid out, and onto mocking up a digital wireframe.

03 Ideate



04 Prototype & Test


  • Method: remote, moderated one-on-one interviews

  • Participants: 5

  • Age Range: 25-35


  • Are users able to find what they need on the site?

  • How long does it take for a user to find what services are provided?

  • Is it clear what the website is about?

  • Is there an understanding of what the Activities are?

  • Is it easy to find where blog posts are?

Usability Testing


  1. Services weren’t displayed as efficiently as they could be. Some users found it tedious to read long paragraphs.

    From collecting the data from the interviews, I displayed the content in a way that the services were clear to users to better understand what the company provides.

  2. Users found it hard to differentiate Activities on the page. It took longer to find the different types when conducting the interviews.

    To resolve this issue, I sorted the types of activities by category to make it easier for users to find what they are looking for. 

Style Guide

I used soft colors such as orange and yellow to represent the feel for the company. The lighter and simpler fonts and typefaces also offer the soft feeling.

Interactive Prototype

Mobile Prototype


I learned to duplicate a site using another language which created a challenge for me in the beginning. I’ve never tried designing or developing a new site in a completely different language, but was able to take it step by step in order to efficiently create and layout a responsive design. 

Working on this project has also helped me learn the steps of the design process. Conducting interviews, collecting research, and user testing are all new skills that I’ve learned.


Website Concept Design & Development


Website Redesign & Development