Website Redesign & Development
Kolorstudios is a privately owned design company creating solutions for web design and marketing. Their service provides branding, logo design, print design, web/email design, trade show exhibits/campaign, technical illustrations, advertising and much more. Their mission is to provide dynamic, creative, and practice design services at affordable prices.
Project Overview
Client has outdated portfolio that is hard to navigate, needed a better layout, and took too long to load. Client wanted to keep their branding and color scheme for the new and improved website.
To efficiently present client’s portfolio pieces with a simple design, as well as showing customers several options that the company provides. Allowing the website to be more responsive and with more color and professional than the previous site. Creating a contact page where potential clients can reach the company as soon as possible.
Design Process
01 Empathize
What are a few examples of your favorite portfolios?
Which design layout are you most drawn to?
How much traffic do you currently receive on your portfolio?
Which part of your portfolio are you wanting to see a significant change in?
Is it challenging to find work from recruiters?
User Interviews
By conducting an interview with the client, I was able to get a better understanding of what the client is focused on improving. The client wanted to keep the portfolio simple but with the same branding and color scheme.
02 Define
03 Ideate
04 Prototype & Test
Are users able to find what they are looking for?
Does the client have a resource to track traffic on their website?
How long does it take the user to find the client’s work?
Is it clear what the website is about when the site is first viewed?
Usability Testing
By working on this project, I was able to get more practice with the development of a website by using WordPress and GoDaddy. Since this site was a more simple one, I was able to stay more focused on the backend of the site. Setting up the domain and hosting helped me get a better idea of how websites are set up.
I also learned more about the more important plugins that WordPress utilizes, such as caching, optimizing, saving back ups, and content layouts. This is helpful for the future when I am looking for the best plugins for clients.