Bellevue Healthcare Discharge Guide Module

Project Overview

When new customers find the Bellevue Healthcare website, they are overwhelmed by the amount of products and don’t know where to start or what they might need for their procedure or injury. They are unaware of the most common items which leads to repeated questions from customers. This creates unnecessary work for employees when this can be displayed for all.


Creating a guide for both customers and employees will help them choose equipment specific for their needs. The guide will be set up in categories according to the top user needs. This will also help employees when customers are asking what type of equipment they need.



Design Process

01 Empathize


02 Define

These personas of a regular patient and caretaker helped me decide the layout of the module. I decided to create larger categories by equipment type and injury type.

Site Map

03 Ideate

Once I was able to get a better idea of the site map and how the module will be laid out, I moved on to create a wireframe for the module. I created subcategories for several types of equipment.


04 Usability Testing

  • Method: remote, moderated one-on-one

  • Participants: 5

  • Age Range: 25-50


  • How long did it take to find equipment related to the type of surgery?

  • Is it clear how the Recommended Equipment is categorized?

  • How long did it take for a user to find the price of an item?

  • Are there any confusions with the placement of products or searching for them?


Collecting the data from usability testing, I found that users wanted shorter descriptions for each product. Since they are just browsing types of equipment, they felt like the long descriptions were not necessary.

What users did want was more information about insurance coverage and fall prevention. Materials for this type of information have already been created so I created a small section of guides for customers to view.



By creating this module on the website, I learned more about the importance of creating personas from user interviews using Miro. They are able to help me get a better idea of user needs and goals to create an efficient product. The production of the module also gave me more practice with Photoshop and WordPress in creating the layout.

Final Product